Seeking Treatment after a Car Accident: Here’s how Chiropractic Can Help in Louisville KY
Seeking Treatment after a Car Accident: Here's how Chiropractic Can Help in Louisville KY

Car accidents have been found to be one of the leading causes of personal injury in people between the ages of 2 to 34 in the United States.
Accounting for the number of auto accidents that occur each year in the U.S., the numbers are as high as 6 million, as per The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
With so many accidents in Louisville KY occurring, the aftershocks are inevitable. Victims of car accidents often experience pain, a feeling of anxiety and distress later on.
The Need for Louisville KY Chiropractic
Sometimes in the absence of an apparent physical injury, there may be an underlying muscle or nerve damage that manifests itself, a few days or weeks after the accident.
Just like any other trauma, a car accident spikes adrenaline levels. Adrenaline is known to be the fight-or-flight hormone, which prepares your body to combat the situation, and numbs the sensation of pain.
Once the immediate threat is gone, soreness and bodily pain begins to settle in-something, you may not have felt in the first place. 70% of people who visit the ER, following an auto accident, complain about experiencing pain even 6 weeks later!
Chiropractic care helps with different kinds of minor and major pains. Expert chiropractors have mastered the art of providing drug-free relief to your musculoskeletal and nervous system through pressure techniques and gentle spinal manipulation.
Chiropractic care can restore joint mobility and is believed to assist with many injuries related to auto accidents.
Reduces Localized As Well As Overall Body Pain
Research has revealed the fact that chiropractic care is clinically safe and effective.
According to the American Chiropractic Association, 94% of patients receiving a manual-thrust manipulation treatment reported a 30% reduction in pain.
These alternative medicine techniques are not only known to relieve localized pain, but also soothe all sorts of neck, back and bodily aches.
Back Aches
An accident exposes your spinal cord to the highest level of risk, as the vertebrae can be dislocated, fractured or crushed. This includes consequent damage to the ligaments, muscles and nerves tied close to it. Inflammation, bleeding and swelling may result around the spinal cord.
This calls for immediate attention as back injury can subsequently affect bladder control, bowl movement and even sexual function. Chiropractic care can provide drug-free relief which is far more effective than any surgery or medication.
This condition is specifically associated with car accidents. This is because it is the result of the sudden jolts that you may receive due to rapid front and back movement of the head and neck. The tendons and muscles in such a situation are forced to stretch beyond their usual capacity.
A whiplash injury-when left unattended-can worsen into chronic headaches, neck and back pain, shoulder and upper back pain, and eventually numbness.
According to the American Academy of Pain Medicine, chronic pain is a more pertinent concern than diseases like diabetes and cancer. Hence, it is recommended to schedule an appointment at the earliest to ensure speedy recovery.
We at Louisville Chiropractic make sure that we are your most trusted companions in times of distress and help you gain relief from post-traumatic stress and injuries following car accidents.
9:30am - 1:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 1:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 1:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 3:30pm
Friday, Saturday & Sunday
Louisville Chiropractic
138 Evergreen Rd #102
Louisville, KY 40243