Common Misconceptions About Chiropractic Services in Louisville KY
Common Misconceptions about Chiropractic Services in Louisville KY

For many reasons, chiropractic services in Louisville KY are mistaken as inferior to other medical practices which is a misconception at best. However, this is not the only misconception surrounding this profession. Chiropractors are also mistaken for other reasons that often drive patients away from them. Here are some misconceptions that you may not have known:
Louisville KY Chiropractic Care is Unaffordable
A very common misconception about chiropractic therapy is that it is often more expensive when compared to traditional treatment methods. In reality, your chiropractor may cost you much less compared to your medical doctor. Also, you are likely to spend more on traditional medicine than what you'll spend on your chiropractic rehabilitation.
Most Patients don't know who Chiropractors are
Today, most patients know who chiropractors are and what services they provide. They are also quickly recognizing the importance of chiropractic treatment for administering their pain and lower back. This is why; chiropractors are gaining more popularity across the US compared to other methods of pain administration.
Chiropractor Adjustments are Dangerous
Yet another myth that surrounds chiropractic services is that these practices are dangerous and unscientific. Contrary to the myth, such adjustments are much safer when you pit them against other activities. For example, the reason why your medical doctor suggests you to get medical insurance is simply to cover the risk of maltreatment or false medical practices. Fortunately, a well versed and confident chiropractor will not ask you for a similar arrangement.
Chiropractors Can Only Treat Back Pains
Yet another myth is that your chiropractor is only able to treat your back pains. The reality is that your chiropractor is educated and trained enough to cure all your joint related troubles. What's more, your chiropractor will also provide you care after an accident or injury. He/ she will also administer your neck, ankle, feet, knees, elbows and shoulders until your pain is completely relieved. They also provide pain administration for pregnant females as well as athletes.
Chiropractors Lack Proper Education
Another myth is that your chiropractor is not educated enough to treat you properly. On the contrary, a professional licensed chiropractor is as educated as a medical doctor. For example, a qualified chiropractor spends approximately 2887 class hours while a medical doctor has around 2756 class hours.
It is safe to say that your chiropractor is as safe, educated, well-versed, and more affordable when pitted against your medical doctor. The next time you experience pain, you should hire a Louisville chiropractor for alleviation and treatment. At Louisville Chiropractic, we are a one-stop solution to all your chiropractor-related needs. For more information about our services, call now at (502) 489-8480.
9:30am - 1:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 1:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 1:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 3:30pm
Friday, Saturday & Sunday
Louisville Chiropractic
138 Evergreen Rd #102
Louisville, KY 40243