How Stress Is Related To Muscle Pain in Louisville KY
How Stress Is Related To Muscle Pain in Louisville KY

We know that stress affects the body in more ways than one; it is associated with triggering headaches and poor emotional and mental health overall.
However, not many people realize that stress is directly linked to muscle pain in Louisville KY, especially spine and back muscles.
Stress has the potential of aggravating the symptoms and serves as a great hazard in your day to day life. This warrants a detailed explanation as to how stress leads to muscle pain and what procedures should be sought for treatment.
How Stress Leads To Muscle Pain in Louisville KY
Stress-related muscle pain is a complex topic and many health professionals have attempted to understand how exactly stress leads to muscle pain.
Although many theories have been made to explain the phenomenon, the understanding is that stress, resulting from emotional and psychological reasons, causes the body to undergo a physical change that affects muscle tension.
When the muscle pain occurs as a result of stress, the patient experiences a cyclical process whereby muscle related pain leads to higher stress, which in turn, leads to greater muscle pain. Other theories, however, suggest that the patient experiences muscle pain solely due to emotional traits of a specific personality.
For instance, patients with type A personalities, who have a higher inclination to success and take responsibility, are more likely to suffer from muscle related stress.
When patients with such personality characteristics face stressful conditions, they experience back pain. It is important to note that it is difficult to pinpoint exactly how stress leads to muscle pain. The main point, however, is that stress related muscle pain is a result of both physical and emotional factors and patients need to seek a comprehensive approach to diagnosing and treating their illness.
Ways in Which Stress Leads to Muscle Pain
One of the first reasons is muscle tension. When you are under stress, it causes the body to compress your muscles and lowers blood circulation. This, over time, causes your body to witness muscle pains.
Stress-related muscle pain can also be due to the way in which you move, sit, or stand.
For instance, if you do not sit properly, it can put tension on your back muscles and lead to pains. More importantly, lack of proper exercise, hydration, and good diet are other common reasons. Exercising regularly, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding junk foods can go a long way in relieving muscle tension.
In summary, stress is related directly to muscle pain. Although it is not clear how exactly it occurs, there are many precursors that should be considered in order to relieve muscle pain.
For more information on chiropractic help in Louisville, please schedule an appointment with one of our chiropractors in Louisville KY for a comprehensive diagnosis.
9:30am - 1:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 1:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 1:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 3:30pm
Friday, Saturday & Sunday
Louisville Chiropractic
138 Evergreen Rd #102
Louisville, KY 40243