Top Reasons To Choose Chiropractic Therapy For Overall Health Care Louisville KY
Top Reasons To Choose Chiropractic Therapy For Overall Health Care in Louisville KY

People seeking chiropractic therapy in Louisville KY are mostly those suffering from back or neck pain. It is an established fact, backed by research, that chiropractic therapy is a holistic medical approach that helps you improve your overall health without medication.
In short, you enjoy a better lifestyle, without the side effects of long-term pain management medicines.
With the help of manual spinal manipulation, your nervous system functioning is enhanced which results in a better overall health.
So, why should you opt for chiropractic therapy? How does it help you?
Here's why:
Chiropractic Care in Louisville KY is More Effective than Medicine
According to Annals of Internal Medicine, spinal manipulative therapy along with exercises has immensely improved neck pain more effectively then medications.
Another study conducted by the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics reported that integrated approach to health care, which also includes chiropractic treatments have resulted in the decrease of pharmaceutical coasts by 51.8 percent and 43 percent fewer hospital admissions.
Prevention Before the Problem Occurs
Chiropractic therapy focuses on prevention of illness and diseases, rather than reversing symptoms that are already affecting you. It is ideal to visit a chiropractor before the problem arises.
Chiropractors support the functioning of nerves through gentle adjustments. When nerves become stressed within joints, it causes symptoms such as headaches, upset stomach, sleep disturbances and more. With the help of chiropractic therapy, you can facilitate optimal nerve health.
Stress and Anxiety Management
Chiropractic is an ideal solution if you face stress or anxiety. Chiropractors focus on spine, which is the root of nervous system.
Chronic stress creates muscles tension and contraction, which results in subluxations. Adjustments release the tension in your muscles and help balance the spine.
Improved Work Performance
It is common to have lower back pain if you have a job where you sit for more than 3 hours. This causes several spinal problems, neck pain or headache. These are work related injuries which people often let go as a norm, but these have serious consequences on your overall health. With chiropractic therapy, you can eradicate these problems.
Spinal manipulation can help you diffuse several health problems by restoring your spinal position.
Chiropractic therapy offers so much more than back pain relief-it is your way to live a better, healthy and happier life.
If you're looking for chiropractor in Louisville KY, call Dr. Shawn Martin. He has extensive experience in caring for spinal related issues that can help reduce arthritis pain. Call and book and appointment now: (502) 489-8480
9:30am - 1:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 1:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 1:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 3:30pm
Friday, Saturday & Sunday
Louisville Chiropractic
138 Evergreen Rd #102
Louisville, KY 40243