What to Expect From Your First Chiropractic Visit Louisville KY
What to Expect From Your First Chiropractic Visit in Louisville KY

Your first visit to your chiropractor in Louisville KY is similar to visiting any other healthcare service provider except a few things. Upon your first appointment, you'll notice the table setting being different. The reason is that these tables are used to check different body positions that are necessary for chiropractic treatment.
In addition to the table, as a first time visitor, you may also notice the following things:
Early Intake
Your first visit to a chiropractor will start similar to how you visit your physician with few subtle differences. Initially, you'll be examined for a routine physical test. Afterwards, your chiropractor will examine the part where you experience most of the pain. At the same time, as most chiropractic treatment techniques rely on the positioning of the spine, it might also be examined thoroughly.
Physical Examination
Next, your neck will be analyzed as it is the most likely reason for your pain. This is important because in many cases pain originating in the neck radiates to other parts of the body.
The initial examination will be followed by an X-Ray that'll update your chiropractor on your spine's condition. X-Ray is an excellent way of learning your spine's current condition. It also helps in bone and tissue anatomy and gives the chiropractor firsthand information on what may be the cause of your pain. It'll also inform your chiropractor whether your spine is suffering from any medical conditions at all. Usually, chiropractic physical examinations contain a variety of tests including spine test, neck and bone tests among others.
Suggested Plan for Treatment
After the intake and initial examination, your chiropractor will suggest you a treatment plan. Keep in mind that this is not the final plan and it only consists of your initial analyzed situation. For example, the chiropractor will look into your pain and will propose an initial treatment plan which is:
- Your overall health
- Extent and condition of injury
- Condition of spine and whether it had any injuries prior to current condition
- Your goals for treatment
Moreover, your chiropractor will suggest you a treatment method that'll be based on your treatment goals. Usually, chiropractic treatment starts from adjustments, applying controlled force, amplitude and direction adjustments etc.. The results of this visit will then make way for further treatment from the second visit onwards.
If you are looking to pay your first visit to a chiropractor, starting your treatment from Louisville Chiropractic will give you excellent pain administration prior to further treatment. For more information, call us now at (502) 489-8480.
9:30am - 1:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 1:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 1:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 3:30pm
Friday, Saturday & Sunday
Louisville Chiropractic
138 Evergreen Rd #102
Louisville, KY 40243